From Pastor Mike…..
The Old Testament writer reminded us, “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1 KJV) As we move into the month of September, I can sense and feel that change is in the air. The air has a bit of coolness in it, at lest sometimes. Children and teachers are returning to school. Football teams, from school to the professional ranks, are hitting the fields. And all of us are anticipating the changes in the leaves and the wearing of our fall fashions. It is truly a season of change and readjusting. It is also a season of change in our church. I guess the biggest change is centered on adjusting to a new Pastor. I can truthfully say this has been a major adjustment for me. Archdale UMC is much busier than my last appointment. Attending committee meetings, learning new names, visiting the sick, writing sermons and newsletter articles, and just trying not to get lost between my office and the Sanctuary has stretched my boundaries and refined skills I have not used in a while. But thanks to your kind and grace-filled support, I feel at home here. I appreciate all your kind gestures, helpful advice, and for repeating your names when you see me struggling to remember them. Another of the changes I am seeing occur is that many of you seem to be more comfortable calling me your pastor. From the beginning of my time here, I told you this would indicate the building of a relationship between us that would allow me to be a part of your lives and you feeling more open to me in that role. I hope that you are seeing that I meant what I said and truly value you and your gifts and graces. I hope you are realizing you can come to me and share your concerns and dreams for the church and any questions that are on your hearts and minds. This is the way we as “the Body of Christ” fulfill our calling in the world. We do it TOGETHER. My hope and prayer is that you are realizing these are not just words to me but the foundation for my ministry among you. One other change we are moving into for our church is all the preparation being done for our Annual Charge Conference which will be held in November. We, the church, have many areas that need to be looked at, tweaked, and adjusted for the coming year. We will be looking at our church budget, our Leadership Roster, new ministries, and those ministries that sustain us and help us to grow. All of us will need to find our places of service and sharing of our gifts as we move forward. It is truly a “season of change” for our church. Let us all be praying for the leadership of our church to make wise and careful decisions during this process.
Stephen Ministry at Archdale UMC

Stephen Ministry is a ministry in our congregation in which trained and supervised lay persons, called Stephen Ministers, provide one-to-one Christian care to individuals facing life challenges or difficulties. The name “Stephen” comes from St. Stephen, who was the first lay person commissioned by the apostles to provide caring ministry to those in need as recorded in Acts 6. Stephen Ministers are caring Christian friends who listen, understand, accept, and pray for and with those who are working through a crisis or a tough time. If you would like to talk with a Stephen Minister or know someone who would benefit from having a Stephen Minister meet with them, please contact our Pastor or a Stephen Minister: Peggy Johnson or Greg Mollenkopf.
Our Stephen Ministers are here to care for you!
The Finance Committee will meet September 20, 2022 to prepare the 2023 budget. We ask all Ministry Group Leaders to submit their budget request by September 11, 2022. The form shave been sent to those leaders listed on the 2022 officers list who had budgeted items in 2022. We encourage anyone needing an amount – new or existing – to submit your forms to Finance Chairperson, Leslie Lowe, by September 11, 2022. Additional forms are available in the church mailboxes of Leslie Lowe and Shirley Cecil. The mailboxes are located in the foyer of the Fellowship Hall. Any questions or inquiries regarding the budget process should be directed to Finance Chairperson, Leslie Lowe.

Where We Were Last Month
Date | Offering Received | Budget Amount Received to Date | Budget Amount Needed to Date | Week# | Sunday School | Worship Attendance |
08/07/2022 | $5,522.06 | $169,954.46 | $199,194.24 | 32 | 75 | 94 |
08/14/2022 | $4,438.71 | $174,393.17 | $205,419.06 | 33 | 83 | 96 |
08/21/2022 | $11,359.00 | $185,752.17 | $211,643.88 | 34 | 73 | 87 |
08/28/2022 | $9,832.00 | $195,584.17 | $217,868.70 | 35 | 95 | 101 |
Building Fund
Given in June: $550.00
Received to date: $16,170.00

Debbie Dean, Charles Dobbins, Amelia Evans, Mandy Forrester,
Wayne McGavic, Betty Roach, Nancy Roberts, Mary Jean Smith,
Leonard & Jackie Stroud
Our Homebound Members are very important members of our congregation.
We would like to remind them they are remembered and thought of. If you
would like to send them a birthday card, thinking of you card, or give them a call,
this would mean so much to each of our Homebound Members.
Sept 14 Jackie Stroud
8155 Harlow Rd.
Archdale, NC 27263
Sept 22 Nancy Roberts
7624 US Hwy 311 South
Archdale, NC 27263
Please pray for those serving our country.

Logan Brinkley – US Marines (friend of Rae Hicks)
Matt Cain – US Army (family friend of the McGavics)
Spencer Dyson – US Marines (grandson of Don Miller)
Bryan Hayworth – US Coast Guard (brother of Jami Coggins)
Jospeh Hennessey – US Marines ( nephew & Godson of Steven Durr)
Ginniffer Hobbs – US Navy Sailor ( niece of David McKinney)
Richard Ivy – US Military, Louisiana (Lewis Stroud’s grandson)
Jake Lawrence – US Army (friend of Rebecca Kidd)
Daulton Rogers – US Marines (family friend of the McGavics)
Eric Schneider – Afghanistan (Donn & Rachel Jackson’s son-in-law)
Hailey Tompkins – (friend of Sandy Foster)
Zack Willey – US Army (Chuck & Jane Liebscher’s son-in-law)
“Save us, LORD our God, and bring us back from among the nations, that we may give thanks to your holy name and glory in your praise.”
Psalm 106:47
In Memory of Jean Presswood
Given by: Larry & Maxine Sechrest
In Memory of Martha Shives
Given by:
Rae Hicks & Family
Larry & Maxine Sechrest
In Memory of Norma Smith
Given by:
Rae Hicks & Family
Mary & Rebecca Kidd
James & Lib Harris
Pat Wood
Carol Hanes
Larry & Maxine Sechrest
Sharon Carpenter
Gary & Cathy Hunt
Creekside HOA
Mary Jean Smith
In Memory of Michael Wentz
Given by:
The George Elder Sunday School Class
Sharon Carpenter
In Honor of the Fulcher “Girlies”:
Alexa, Kacey & Mia
Given by Bobbie Finch

09/01 Pam Conrad
09/01 Jeannene Smith
09/03 Becky Coltrane
09/03 Kacey Fulcher
09/03 Carole Lowe
09/04 Vicki Fletcher
09/04 Lunda Stanley
09/04 Belva Williams
09/05 Sarah Game
09/05 Britt Murdock
09/05 Ernestine Wilkes
09/06 Seth Askew
09/06 Haley Mann
09/06 Naomi Smith
09/06 Tyler Stevens
09/07 Andrew Hanes
09/08 Brian Hodgin
09/09 Lee Byerly
09/09 Jane Liebscher
09/10 Carol Hankins
09/10 Bryan Peele
09/12 Philip Bradford
09/13 Mike Lee
09/13 James Yow
09/14 Jackie Stroud
09/16 Joy Brewer
09/16 Ryan Hiatt
09/16 Penny Lockhart
09/17 Lori-Ann Sarmiento
09/18 Steve Cates
09/18 Gayle Rearwin
09/19 Eric Allen
09/19 Ben Henderson
09/19 Zachary Lax
09/21 Roger Lockhart
09/21 Dawn Retghe
09/21 Megan Vogler
09/22 Gracie Hodgin
09/22 Nancy Roberts
09/22 Katie Stewart
09/23 Glen Milligan
09/24 Eric Krpejs
09/24 Ray Rimmer
09/25 Cadence Collins
09/25 Collins Fulcher
09/25 Gerri Tickle
09/26 Sharon Schaeffer
09/26 Maggie Ward
09/27 Dakota Chester
09/27 Nick Grissom
09/27 Ryan Hanes
09/27 Savannah McKinney
09/27 Cloie Prince
09/28 Stephen Angel
09/28 Jessica Stevens
09/29 Samantha East
09/29 Jeremiah Lynch
09/30 Teresa Grimberg
09/30 Mary Hamilton
Fred Turner, AUMC member, lost his brother-in-law, Cecil J. Goins, on August 12, 2022.
The service to celebrate Cecil’s life was held Wednesday, August 17, 2022 at 11am at Cumby Family Funeral Service Chapel in Archdale with Pastor Thomas Cruthis and Pastor Joel Austin officiating. The committal service followed at Floral Garden Memorial Park Mausoleum Chapel.
AUMC member, Tim Coggins, lost his mother, Nancy Lou Sumner Coggins, on August 13, 2022.
Nancy was the mother-in-law of, AUMC member Jamie Coggins and grandmother of AUMC member, Christian Coggins. Nancy’s funeral service was held on August 18, 2022 at 2pm in the chapel of First United Methodist Church in High Point with Rev. Debra Swing officiating. Interment followed the service at Floral Garden Park Cemetery.
Our love and thoughts are with these families and others who have experienced the loss of a loved one
The births listed below are for 2022 that have not previously been listed.
Shiloh Hollifield was born February 18, 2022 to AUMC members, Phillip and Joanna Hollifield. She
was welcomed by Ezra, Vance and Jonah her big brothers.
Holland Kennedy Gardner was born June 24, 2022 to AUMC member, Connor and wife Madison
“Maddie” Gardner. She is the granddaughter of AUMC member, Lisa Hunter.
Bowen Lane Isley was born August 6, 2022 to AUMC member, Kimberly Eurillo Isley and husband
Cade. His big brother is Myles Isley. His grandparents are AUMC members, Charles & Brenda Eurillo.
Shirley Cecil
Membership Secretary
Update on our partnership with Archdale Elementary School…..
Several years ago in conjunction with Communities in Schools, AUMC partnered with Archdale Elementary. It was decided at our last council meeting that we would revive our partnership with Archdale Elem. Principal Kim Bowie was thrilled to hear that our church wanted to help the school, and she readily shared some current needs.
One special need was for Clorox wipes. Thirty canisters of wipes were delivered so each teacher would have one as school begins.
A second request was for gently used girl’s school clothing. Accidents happen, and students occasionally need to change clothes. An examination of their clothes closet revealed that they had an ample supply of boy’s clothes and unused underwear and socks for both boys and girls. If your daughter, granddaughter, niece, or female neighbor has outgrown tops or pants, please consider donating them to Archdale Elem. Clothes Closet. What size? Remember, this is for girls kindergarten to 5th grade, and they come in all sizes and shapes. A box will soon be placed at church for gently used clothes.
Also, a special thanks to Sharon Carpenter, Bobbie Finch, and Linda Game for providing egg casseroles for the teachers’ breakfast. Ms. Bowie expressed her gratitude for our church’s willingness to help.
September Calendar
Church Office Closed: Monday, Sept. 5th in observance of Labor Day
Stephen Ministers Meeting: Thursday, Sept. 8th at 7pm (Wesley Room)
United Women in Faith Combined General Meeting:
Saturday, Sept. 10th at 11am in the Community Room
Please bring a bag lunch, drinks will be provided
Church Council: Sunday, Sept. 11th at 4pm
Church Office Closed: Friday, Sept. 16th
United Women in Faith Sunday: Sunday, Sept. 18th
Finance Committee Meeting: Tuesday, Sept. 20th at 6:30pm (Community Room)
Newsletter Deadline: Wednesday, Sept 21st
Every Sunday:
Sunday School – 9:45am
Worship Service – 10:45am
Every Wednesday:
Choir Practice – 7pm
Every Thursday:
Neighborhood Café (drive thru)
5:30pm – 6pm