From Pastor Mike
It is hard to believe that the Season of Lent is coming to a close and Easter is just around the corner. It seems like we just celebrated Ash Wednesday a few days ago. Our journey to Jerusalem and Passion Week is quickly coming to a climax. On Sunday, April 2, we will lift our palms in adoration and celebration of Jesus’ entry not only into Jerusalem but most importantly, Christ’s entrance into our hearts and lives. I pray that the words of praise and adoration will come from hearts focused on Christ and expressions of our love for God. Holy Week begins on Monday and in the scriptures we find that Jesus was busy sharing
with his disciples and followers. Arriving to worship, Jesus found the Temple courtyard overflowing with vendors and moneychangers. He overturned the tables, ran off the vendors and their animals while declaring that his Father’s house was filled with crooked and evil people. By cleansing the Temple, he called for righteous and holy worship. You would think Jesus would have been afraid to show his face following such actions but on Tuesday he and his disciples returned to the Temple to confront and confound the Pharisees and the Sanhedrin. Once again Jesus tried to call the religious leaders and people to a pure vision of God and authentic worship for Him. However, they refused to listen and missed their
opportunity. As Jesus and his disciples were eating supper, a woman comes and in simple trust and belief anoints his feet while Judas slips away to begin his betrayal of Jesus. Both ends of the spectrum are revealed to us on this day – authentic trust and belief on one end and absolute betrayal on the other. We are reminded that we too must choose who Jesus is to each of us and then to live from that perspective. The scriptures are silent as to Jesus’ activities on Wednesday of Passion Week. Many scholars believe he found a quiet place to pray and prepare himself for the next couple of days. Thursday brings us to a pivotal event in the life of Jesus and the disciples – the Upper Room. Here Jesus would share a Passover
meal with his disciples and with remnants of this meal institute Holy Communion. We too will gather in remembrance and worship with disciples from Archdale UMC, Trinity Memorial UMC, St. Mary’s UMC, and Mt Zion UMC on Thursday evening, April 6. We too will be confronted by Christ’s crucifixion and decide who we will follow. On the coattails of this special time of worship, Jesus was betrayed, seized, beaten, denied, and finally crucified on Friday. The one who loved, healed, taught, and transformed lives was
treated as a common criminal as he died on the cross. When things looked their bleakest and darkest, God rolled up His sleeves and went to work. We all know what happened on Sunday – the rock was rolled away and Jesus the Messiah walked out of the tomb and offered life to all who choose it. We will gather on Easter Sunday morning and celebrate this marvelous gift of life purchased for us through the cross and the empty tomb. We will lift our voices in praise and our hearts in surrender to the one who gives us strength, courage, forgiveness, salvation – the Lamb of God who is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Sunday, April 2: Palm Sunday
Thursday, April 6: Maundy Thursday Service at 6:30pm
Friday, April 7: Good Friday (Church Office is Closed)
Sunday, April 9: Easter
Mental Health Seminar

The Mental Health meeting will be Wednesday, April 19, at 11:30am in the Fellowship Hall. The speaker will be Dare Spicer from Family Crisis Center
All are welcome.
AUMC member, Virginia Washburn Rothermel, was featured in the High Point Enterprise Saturday-Sunday edition for March 11-12, 2023. The Life & TV section had a full page picture and article titled “A Shell of an Idea”. She turns oyster shell discards into works of art. Virginia makes discarded oyster shells into miniature works of art. She calls her artistic venture “Perfectly Imperfect by VA”. After cleaning the shells she places a tiny picture or design on the inside of the oyster shell with a layer of clear finish. She takes special orders when the client gives her the picture or item they want placed on the shell. The completed shells can be used for Christmas tree ornaments, wedding favors, decorative knick-knacks for a shelf, bottle charms or some other use.
Since beginning making these in 2021 she has made around 5,000. She sells the shells and also gives or donates the shells which give her lots of joy.

April Volunteer Schedules

Nursery Helpers:
April 2 Sharon Carpenter, Barbara Jarrett & Carter
April 9 Linda Game & Mary Hamilton
April 16 Carolyn & Ed Lawrence
April 23 Gladys Suggs & Tom Anderson
April 30 Beth Todd & Marsha Sparks
Worship Leaders:
April 2 Susan Stewart
April 9 Peggy Johnson
April 16 Susan Stewart
April 23 Norman Askew
April 30 Susan Stewart
In Memory of Cory Bentley
Given by:
Mary & Rebecca Kidd
Peggy Johnson
Hoyt & Kay Nichols
Bobbie Finch
In Memory of Michael Ceiswich
Given by:
Peggy Johnson
Hoyt & Kay Nichols
Friendship Sunday School Class

The Women of Archdale Methodist Church have Apple Crisp available in the church office for $10 each.

04/01 Eliana Lawrence
04/03 Samuel Huthmaker
04/03 Peggy Johnson
04/05 Heather Teater
04/08 Eric Buchanan
04/08 Rob Lance
04/08 Cheryl Traylor
04/09 Angela Dyson
04/09 Kerry Gallimore
04/09 Courtney Gentry
04/09 Robert Plemmons
04/11 Jim Aspley
04/11 Mylynda Ross
04/12 Susan Daniels
04/12 Gage Hamilton
04/12 Phyllis Maine
04/13 Sean Kilby
04/14 Mark Clodfelter
04/15 Sherry Thomas
04/16 Raquel Alwran
04/16 Benjamin Dowling
04/16 James Harris
04/16 Emmalina Stevens
04/16 Myndy Walden
04/16 Teresa Wood
04/16 Tanya Work
04/17 Kevin Work
04/18 Colin Ceiswich
04/18 Kim Chapman
04/18 Jo Carol Dobbins
04/22 Bill Maine
04/23 Alex Kilby
04/23 Jack Pascual
04/25 Carol Burns
04/25 Ezra Hollifield
04/26 Chris Game
04/26 Joe Hoover
04/27 Tom Anderson
04/27 Amy Burns
04/28 Kym Simpson
04/29 Andrew Hamilton
04/29 Matthew Hunt
04/29 Ashley Lanier
04/29 Steve Stutts
04/30 Baylor Lance
04/30 Lisa Smith
04/30 Kevin Teater
04/30 Mary Yow
A 7×11 Pyrex dish left in the kitchen for at least 2-3 months
A blue ball cap with Palmetto type trees on it If you have lost either of these items, please stop by the Lost & Found basket in the foyer of the Fellowship Hall to pick up!

Remember our Homebound
Roy Catlett, Debbie Dean, Charles Dobbins, Amelia Evans, Mandy Forrester, Jack Hensley, Wayne McGavic, Jo Parker, Betty Roach, Mary Jean Smith, Jackie Stroud
Our Homebound Members are very important members of our congregation. We would like to remind them they are remembered and thought of. If you would like to send them a birthday card, thinking of you card, or give them a call, this would mean so much to each of our Homebound Members.
Please pray for those serving our country.

Matt Cain – US Army (family friend of the McGavics)
Spencer Dyson – US Marines (grandson of Don Miller)
Bryan Hayworth – US Coast Guard (brother of Jami Coggins)
Jospeh Hennessey – US Marines ( nephew & Godson of Steven Durr)
Ginniffer Hobbs – US Navy Sailor ( niece of David McKinney)
Richard Ivy – US Military, Louisiana (Lewis Stroud’s grandson)
Jake Lawrence – US Army (friend of Rebecca Kidd)
Daulton Rogers – US Marines (family friend of the McGavics)
Eric Schneider – Afghanistan (Donn & Rachel Jackson’s son-in-law)
Hailey Tompkins – (friend of Sandy Foster)
Zack Willey – US Army (Chuck & Jane Liebscher’s son-in-law)
“Save us, LORD our God, and bring us back from among the nations, that we may give thanks to your holy name and glory in your praise.”
Psalm 106:47
Graduation Recognition

If you know of a High School or College Graduate please submit their information to Tim Kennedy at
Full name, Name of School, Date of Graduation, Degree Received (college),
Honors/Awards received, Groups or Organizations actively involved in, Future Plans, Photo of the Graduate
The deadline for submitting the information to Tim Kennedy is Sunday, May 7.

Monday, April 17th Archdale Senior Center 108 Park Drive, Archdale
Everyone aged 50 and up is welcomed to join us! Refreshments served at 1pm, BINGO starts at 1:30pm.
Randolph Senior Adults Association
A printed copy of all the church members and constituent members (those under the love and care of the church) along with others who are attached to families and the 2023 officers, committees and budget is available in the Educational Building, the Narthex or during church office hours.
We encourage you to pick up a copy. This is very helpful in reaching out to those we miss to invite them to Sunday School and worship at AUMC. It also provides addresses to remember those who are homebound and/or shut in, anyone experiencing health conditions and unable to attend church and to remember those who have lost loved ones.
If any changes are needed in your information, please contact Membership Secretary, Shirley Cecil, (information is in the booklet). We welcome and appreciate your updates to the church records.
A few changes need to be made to those who have copies and those booklets presently on the tables. We will have the revisions in the next printing.
- Cory Bentley passed away 03-09-2023.
- Cathy Bradley is now Cathy Wyatt.
- Sam Brown cell phone is: 336-300-6985
- J. Michael Ceiswich passed away 03-14-2023
- Greg Mollenkopf email:
- Donna Mollenkopf email:
- Jane Pepper – delete phone #919-787-4520
– Cory Alexander Bentley passed away unexpectedly March 9, 2023 at Cone Medical Center. Cory began attending the Casual Service in January, 2018 with his wife, Tabitha, son, Ellis 7, and daughter, Allie-Cate 4. His Mom and Dad, Shannon and Trey Moser, and brother, Cameron Moser, also attended the Casual Service. Cory started helping lead the music in the Casual Service immediately and was a singer with the Praise Team.
Cory became a staff member at AUMC as the Youth Director in May 2018. Cory and Tabitha became members of the Tim Kennedy Sunday School Class. He was the coordinator for the Pumpkin Patch in 2018 and 2019. He was responsible for obtaining the pumpkins, marketing the annual event, setting up the website and the volunteer list on the internet. Cory also assisted with the 2021 Pumpkin Patch which currently was the last one held. He was on Church Council and the Education Committee in 2019, 2020 and 2021. He participated in Vacation Bible School.
In early 2020 Cory was a youth Sunday School teacher. During 2020 and 2021 when church services were not being held at AUMC, Cory provided devotionals for the youth. When Sunday School and worship services began in 2021 Cory attended the Casual Service while it was being held. He regularly attended the traditional worship service starting in 2021 when the Casual Service was discontinued. He became a worship leader in July, 2022. He and Tabitha taught the children’s Sunday School class on a rotating basis.
Cory was a faithful servant and committed to leading by example. His infectious passion for servant hood, education, technology and community impacted the lives of so many children, youth and adults. His role as a middle school teacher, a children’s and/or youth director at Fairview United Methodist Church, Poplar Ridge Friends and AUMC impacted the lives of so many young boys and girls.
His full time work was an eighth grade science teacher at ATMS in 2018. He was also committed to producing the ATMS Yearbook. His yearbook class students created and produced award winning yearbooks each year. In 2021, he proudly became a part of the inaugural year of Trinity Middle School. Cory’s service was held March 19, 2023 at Archdale United Methodist Church. The service was held in the Fellowship Hall with approximately 450-475 present. Rev. Mike Lee, Reverend Dr. Dana and Rev. Joyce Bunn officiated at his service.
– John Michael Ceiswich passed away March 14, 2023 at his home. Michael joined AUMC May 15, 2005. Michael was very active until 2020 when church was closed due to the coronavirus. “Mike” remained diligent in staying well so he did not attend services during and following the pandemic.
He was a member of the Friendship SS class where he was a teacher and President of the class for several years. “Mike” also taught some in the George Elder Sunday School Class during the years of 2013-2017. He was a Stephen Minister for 10 years (2010-early 2020). “Mike” served as an Usher at the 9am worship service. He enjoyed his time as a member of the United Methodist Men when he was active. He was a choir member, a sound system volunteer for 3 years, a Lay Leadership committee member for 3 years, a Finance Committee member for 2 years, Church Council member for 3 years, Staff Parish Relations Committee member 2009-2012 and Chairperson of SPR for 2 years (2011 & 2012), Witness Team Committee and Nurture Ministry Team Committee for several years.
Mike was dedicated to the work and mission of Archdale United Methodist Church and served well in the roles he held. He loved the Sunday School Class and the people of AUMC.
“Mike” wore beautiful novelty ties to church and had quite a collection. In remembrance of the ties he had, family members including some of ladies wore one of “Mike’s” ties at his service.
Michael is survived by his sons, Paul Ceiswich, Matthew Ceiswich, Michael Ceiswich II (Andrea Simpson); daughter Molly Wells (Chad), three grandchildren and beloved friend, Naomi Smith.
Funeral service for Michael was held Monday, March 20, 2023 at 11am at Archdale United Methodist Church with Rev. Mike Lee officiating. The family received friends prior to the service. A private committal was to be held at a later date at Floral Garden Park Cemetery.
– James “Jim” Edward Pepper, 77, of Sneads Ferry, NC passed away December 28, 2022. His passing was recently discovered on the internet. Jim joined AUMC 03-21-1999 transferring from Vanceboro UMC. He was a member of the George Elder SS Class while at Archdale United Methodist Church. In 2004 he retired from banking to follow his calling to become a pastor.
Jim was listed in the church records as a member of the Western North Carolina Conference. (Anyone ordained by the Conference is no longer a church member of any church. They are members of the Conference.) The date of his ordination could not found in the records at AUMC.
Jim was appointed as Assistant to the Pastor at AUMC for the 2003-2004 conference year when Rev. Dana McKim was the Senior Pastor. He preached periodically at AUMC during this time. Around 2004-2005 he moved to eastern North Carolina where he accepted an appointment.
Jim is survived by his wife, Jane Everett Pepper, son Guy Pepper and wife Laurie, daughter Amy Glass and husband, Kelly, daughter Carrie Morrow and husband David. He has eight grandchildren.
His service was held Saturday, December 31, 2022 at Salem Baptist Church in Sneads Ferry, NC. Burial followed in the Everett Family Cemetery in the Chadwick Shores community in Sneads Ferry.
– Clyde and Dorothy Brown who are transferring their membership from First United Methodist Church in Franklin, NC. They are members of the George Elder Sunday School Class.
– Eric Buchanan who is transferring his membership from College Place United Methodist Church in Greensboro. He is a member of the Upper Reflections Sunday School Class.
– Laura McKinnon who is transferring her membership from Rankin United Methodist Church in High Point. Rankin joined with Highland and Ward Street to become what is now known as The Beloved Church in High Point. Laura is a member of the George Elder Sunday School Class.
– David and Susan Stewart who are transferring their membership from Grace United Methodist Church in Greensboro. David is a member of the United Methodist Men. Susan is a choir member and worship leader at AUMC.
Shirley Cecil
Membership Secretary
Copied from the Archdale-trinity news 03-23-2023
“School Board honors Trinity educator”
An Archdale-Trinity area teacher was recognized posthumously for his contributions at the beginning of Monday’s regular March meeting of the Randolph County Board of Education.
Board Chairman Gary Cook highlighted the extent to which 36-year-old Cory Bentley, a teacher at Trinity Middle School, touched the lives of those he educated and worked with before his passing last month.
“If you ever met the guy, you’d never forget him,” Cook said. “He was so energetic one-of-a-kind. He made it so much fun to go to school. He made science (enjoyable). Those kids that had him, you heard nothing but great things about him. He was so upbeat. … He’s going to be missed so much.”
Bentley began his career with Randolph County Schools in 2012 when he was hired to teach science at ArchdaleTrinity Middle School. In 2021 he was able to help establish Randolph’s newest school community in the inaugural year of Trinity Middle School.
Graduating from Trinity High School in 2005, Bentley attended UNCG and graduated with a degree in biology. In addition to assisting students with their pursuit of an understanding of science, he also annually spearheaded the project to produce a yearbook with the students in his yearbook class.
His legacy will be preserved through the Cory Bentley Memorial Scholarship fund, which will provide money to a Trinity High School Senior pursuing a degree in a science field. To contribute to this fund, community member are encouraged to visit
Cook explained that the loss felt by the passing of Bentley after a brief illness is akin to losing one of his own family members. He said that every employee of Randolph County School System is a member of a tight-knit group.
“They’re more than employees,” Cook said. “If you work for Randolph County School System, you’re not only an employee, but you’re part of a family. And that’s how I look at this school system, as a family.”
– AUMC member, Roger Lockhart, lost his brother, Gary Gene Lockhart, Sr. on February 18, 2023 at his home in Conway, South Carolina. Gary’s funeral service was held February 25, 2023 in the chapel of Cumby Family Funeral Service in Archdale with Rev. Rodney Byrd officiating. Interment followed at Randolph Memorial Park Cemetery in Asheboro.
– Charles Dobbins, Archdale United Methodist Church member, lost his step son-in-law, Wayne Craig Hartley, Sr. on March 5, 2023. Wayne’s wife was the late Zula Dobbins daughter. Wayne’s service was held March 8, 2023 at Central United Methodist Church in Asheboro with Dr. J. F. Howard officiating.
– Rev. Harold Shives, member of the Western North Carolina Conference, unexpectedly lost his nephew, Charles David “DD” Deal on March 5, 2023. He is nephew to Loretta Yates who attends AUMC. A celebration of DD’s life was held, Saturday, March 11, 2023, at Sechrest Davis Funeral Home Chapel in High Point.
– Tabitha Bentley lost her husband, Cory, on March 9, 2023. Cory was father to Ellis and Allie-Cate. Cory’s mother is Shannon Moser, father is Trey Moser and brother is Cameron Moser. Cory’s service was held at AUMC on Sunday, March 19, 2023. More information on Cory is located in the Membership section of this newsletter.
– AUMC member, Colin Ceiswich, lost his father, Michael Ceiswich on March 14, 2023. “Mike’s” service was held on Monday, March 21, 2023, at Archdale United Methodist Church at 11am with Rev. Mike Lee officiating. A private committal was to be held at a later date at Floral Garden Park Cemetery. More information is available in the Membership section of this newsletter on Michael Ceiswich.
– AUMC member, Riley Beck lost his grandmother, Joan (Wallace) Beck, on 03-25-2023 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston Salem. She was the grandmother in law to Riley’s wife, Taylor and great grandmother to Ellie Beck who is the daughter of Riley & Taylor. Her service will be held Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 6pm in the chapel of Cumby Family Funeral Service in Archdale with Pastor Glen Gunter officiating. An interment at Archdale United Methodist Columbarium will be held at a later date.
– Jane Pepper, AUMC member, lost her husband, James “Jim” Edward Pepper, on December 26, 2022. Knowledge of his passing was found in Jim’s obituary obtained in early March. His service was held on Saturday, December 31, 2022 at 2pm at Salem Baptist Church in Sneads Ferry, NC. Burial followed at the Everett family cemetery on Marine Drive in the Chadwick Shores community in Sneads Ferry. See the Membership section of this newsletter for additional information.
We extend our deepest sympathy to all who lost loved ones.