Weekly Bulletin 03/09/2025
Week of 003/02/2025
Sunday School: – 77
Worship: – 100
General Budget:
Received to Date: $38,599.00
Building Fund:
Received to Date: $1,615.00
This Week at AMC
Sunday, March 9th
9:45am Sunday School
10:45am Worship
7:00pm AA
Tuesday, March 11th
10:30am Morning Circle
6:30pm Ash Wednesday Service
Thursday, March 13th
10:30am Bible Study
7:00pm AA
Sunday, March 16th
9:45am Sunday School
10:45am Worship
7:00pm AA
Nursery Volunteers:
March 9: Sharon Carpenter, Wendy Harmon
March 16: Barbara Jarrett, Karter and Olive Stone
Upcoming Meetings:
Upcoming Meetings:
- The Finance Committee will meet on Tuesday, March 11th at 6:30pm in the Community Room.
- Bible Study: Thursday, March 13th at 10:30am in the Community Room
- The Trustees will meet on Monday, March 17th at 6:30pm in the Community Room.
- Global Methodist Study Group Meeting: The GMC Study Group will meet on Tuesday, March 18th at 6:30pm in the Community Room.
- Administrative Council Meeting: Sunday, March 23rd at 4pm.
Archdale Methodist Women’s Circle Meetings:
- Morning Circle: Tuesday, March 11th at 10:30am, Comm Room.
- Evening Circle: Monday, March 17th at 7:00pm, Wesley Room
- Lunch & Learn: Hosted by Stephen Ministry will be on Wednesday, March 19th, in the Fellowship Hall. A light lunch will be available at 11:30am with program by Dan Warren following lunch. Dan will be sharing pictures of some of the “then and now” places in Archdale. Please let the office know if you will be attending so we can plan for how many to plan lunch.
- 5th Sunday Lunch: Sunday, March 30th provided by the Methodist Men. Following the lunch, there will be a presentation regarding the Global Methodist Church. Information will be provided and an opportunity to ask questions will be made available.
Methodist Men’s BBQ: Saturday, April 5th from 11:30am – 6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. You can dine in or take out. The cost is $10 plate (BBQ, baked beans, slaw, roll & dessert) or $10/pound with sauce.
If you would like an enhanced hearing headset for use during the Worship Service, please see an Usher.
Please Note: To help the heat circulate through the building, please leave all inside doors open. If you have any questions or concerns, please see a Trustee.
Pastor: Rev. Mike Lee
Pastor Emeritus: Harold Shives
Choir Director: Norma Kennedy
Accompanist: Amy Frazier
Office Administrator: Sidney Pace
10:45am Worship Service
Prelude | ||
*Hymn | Come, Thou Almighty King | #61 (UMH) |
Welcome | ||
Children’s Moment | ||
Offertory Hymn | My Jesus, I Love Thee | #172 (TFWS) |
*Presentation of the Offering | Doxology | #95 (UMH) |
Prayer | ||
Anthem | Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God | Choir |
Scripture | Philippians 3:12-14 | |
Message | “The Complete Gospel” | Rev. Mike Lee |
*Hymn | ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus | #462 (UMH) |
Benediction | ||
Postlude | ||
*Please stand if able |
If you would like an enhanced hearing headset for use during the Worship Service, please see an Usher for assistance.
Welcome Guests! We want you to know that…
♥ Please escort children to the restroom if they need to leave during worship.
♥ If you are in need of pastoral care or would like information about joining Archdale Methodist Church family, please contact the pastor or call the church office.
♥ Please fill out the worship attendance registration sheet; we would like to have your contact information.
♥ Feel free to ask any church member if you have questions about the service or any of these announcements.
We are glad you are here!