From Pastor Mike…..
On Sunday morning, September 25th, I began a new sermon series entitled “We are the Church.” The idea behind these series of sermons is to help us as individual Christians and as participants at Archdale UMC to better understand and articulate who we are members of God’s called and committed disciples. For many in our community we are known by our beautiful structure, our past “Pumpkin Patches”, or maybe even as the church that houses the “Neighborhood Café.” Each of these designates a part of who we are and some simple ideas about what we do within our community. However, I believe a church is far more than the building we inhabit or the programs we perform. These are good things, but the church is far more than this. As I said in that initial sermon, the church is made up of the people rather than the structures. As we move about in our community, our beliefs, doctrines, passions, attitudes, and our actions say far more about the church than the beauty and majesty of our buildings. I would hope that our attitudes and actions witnessed in our community match the loving attitudes and Christian behaviors we show and profess inside the buildings when we come together for worship and study. To help us understand and maintain a spiritually healthy identity as the church, I will be looking at three specific Biblical images. These images are:
“We are the People of God” – Genesis 12:2-3
“We are the Family of God” – John 1:12-13
“We are the Body of Christ” – John 1:1-5 & 1 Corinthians 12:12-13, 27
Each of these scriptures will help us explore and understand a unique characteristic of the church as we minister and make disciples in our community. I personally feel we are at a place and time in our history where many churches, representing all denominations, have lost their sense of spiritual identity. It seems as if being popular and accepted by society has become the standard by which churches too often evaluate themselves. I believe the world needs the church to stand strong on her doctrinal foundation and proclaim the truth of God’s word to people. Our pulpits must be the place where God’s word is heard loud and clear. Our Sunday School and other education programs must teach principles and precepts that believers can apply to their daily spiritual journeys. Our witness and ministries to others must be based on God’s principles of love and grace. And I believe personal holiness must become the goal and mission for each believer. It is my hope and prayer that this series of sermons will help each of us hear God’s calling more clearly and will challenge us to respond with power and courage. We, the believers, the disciples, the Christians, are indeed the church. As that beautiful old hymn says, “Rise up O Church of God! Have done with lesser things; Give heart and mind and soul and strength to serve the King of kings.”
Stephen Ministry at Archdale UMC
Stephen Ministry is a ministry in our congregation in which trained and supervised lay persons, called Stephen Ministers, provide one-to-one Christian care to individuals facing life challenges or difficulties. The name “Stephen” comes from St. Stephen, who was the first lay person commissioned by the apostles to provide caring ministry to those in need as recorded in Acts 6. Stephen Ministers are caring Christian friends who listen, understand, accept, and pray for and with those who are working through a crisis or a tough time. If you would like to talk with a Stephen Minister or know someone who would benefit from having a Stephen Minister meet with them, please contact our Pastor or a Stephen Minister: Peggy Johnson or Greg Mollenkopf.
Our Stephen Ministers are here to care for you!
Change of addresses
Sally Hord
627 Colonial Drive
High Point, NC 27262
Lunda Stanley
341 Lake Pointe Landing
333 Thompson Street
Hendersonville, NC 28792
Phone # 828-388-3008
Where We Were Last Month
Date | Offering Received | Budget Amount Received to Date | Budget Amount Needed to Date | Week# | Sunday School | Worship Attendance |
09/04/2022 | $5,656.42 | $201,240.59 | $224,093.52 | 36 | 70 | 78 |
09/11/2022 | $4,655.79 | $205,896.38 | $230,318.34 | 37 | 71 | 102 |
09/18/2022 | $4,629.42 | $210,525.80 | $235,543.16 | 38 | 68 | 95 |
09/25/2022 | $6,512.00 | $217,037.80 | $242,767.98 | 39 | 78 | 92 |
Building Fund
Given in June: $550.00
Received to date: $16,170.00
Debbie Dean, Charles Dobbins, Amelia Evans, Mandy Forrester,
Wayne McGavic, Betty Roach, Nancy Roberts, Mary Jean Smith,
Leonard & Jackie Stroud
Our Homebound Members are very important members of our congregation.
We would like to remind them they are remembered and thought of. If you
would like to send them a birthday card, thinking of you card, or give them a call,
this would mean so much to each of our Homebound Members.
Happy Birthday!! Oct 2 Wayne McGavic
4411 NC Hwy 62
Thomasville, NC 27360
Please pray for those serving our country.
Logan Brinkley – US Marines (friend of Rae Hicks)
Matt Cain – US Army (family friend of the McGavics)
Spencer Dyson – US Marines (grandson of Don Miller)
Bryan Hayworth – US Coast Guard (brother of Jami Coggins)
Jospeh Hennessey – US Marines ( nephew & Godson of Steven Durr)
Ginniffer Hobbs – US Navy Sailor ( niece of David McKinney)
Richard Ivy – US Military, Louisiana (Lewis Stroud’s grandson)
Jake Lawrence – US Army (friend of Rebecca Kidd)
Daulton Rogers – US Marines (family friend of the McGavics)
Eric Schneider – Afghanistan (Donn & Rachel Jackson’s son-in-law)
Hailey Tompkins – (friend of Sandy Foster)
Zack Willey – US Army (Chuck & Jane Liebscher’s son-in-law)
“Save us, LORD our God, and bring us back from among the nations, that we may give thanks to your holy name and glory in your praise.”
Psalm 106:47
Love Packages
Friends, we have an opportunity to help share God’s Word and love around the world.
Love Packages an organization headquartered in Alabama and Illinois, collects Bible donations–as well as donations of Christian books, Sunday School materials and more–from people and publishers across the US and ships it to a network of distributors all over the world.
There is a drop off site in Shelby, NC, and we are hoping to send a truckload from AUMC there soon. Please begin gathering materials and look for collecting boxes and more information. Thanks!
10/02 Madelyn Dabbs
10/02 Wayne McGavic
10/03 Rebecca Hunt
10/03 Cole Tickle
10/04 Jeff Hicks
10/05 Donna Ballas
10/06 Kyle Kennedy
10/06 Ann Owens
10/06 Craig Stutts
10/06 Karen Warner
10/07 Steve Mertel
10/08 Shannon Moser
10/09 Ian Sheeley
10/10 Donna Eason
10/11 Julie Messner
10/11 Carla Mikhail
10/11 Garret Traylor
10/13 Tina Everhart
10/13 Sharon Harper
10/13 Carole Webb
10/14 Linda Cates
10/15 Shelby Buchanan
10/15 Jami Coggins
10/15 Kim Davis
10/16 Wendy Harmon
10/17 Erika Guffey
10/17 Donna Reid
10/17 Jeff Rose
10/17 Sarah Walden
10/18 Lydia Durr
10/19 Lisa Hunter
10/19 Madeline Stewart
10/20 Emily Becker
10/20 Shay Felder
10/20 Carol Wallace
10/21 Tania Blossom
10/21 Dorothy Brown
10/22 Richard Eurillo
10/22 Lina Sheets
10/23 Andy Boyd
10/23 Margaret Brown
10/24 Christopher Grimmett
10/25 Thomas Foster
10/25 Karleigh Lowe
10/26 Paul Game
10/27 Michael Watson
10/28 Marcus Connor
10/28 Joanna Hollifield
10/28 Carson Work
10/29 Brandon Coltrane
10/30 Todd Messner
10/30 Lew Russo
10/30 Heather Smith
10/31 Susannah Burley
To all of my Church Friends and Families,
Thank you so much for your continuing prayers many years on behalf of my sister, Betty Lambeth. Your kind expression of concern, cards and visitations are examples of Christian love as described in Matthew 25:40, in which God recognizes them as honoring Him also.
Ronnie Hines
Dara Matthews, a representative for Communities in Schools, spoke at the general meeting for the Women of Faith on Saturday¸ September 10. Her address was not only informative, but also very inspirational as she presented areas where there were definite needs.
She began with a background overview. Communities in Schools was created as a dropout prevention program. By the 6th grade, a decision to drop out of school has been made by most students. Students struggle due to changes in society and home life situations. Numerous requests have been made by teachers for volunteers and opportunities to help are varied.
Project Mentor is a 1:1 relationship. This can be a referral by either the school or a parent/guardian. Permission is required. Volunteer meets with the student during the day for 45 – 60 minutes. Students
just need someone who will listen to them.
Authors are welcomed to speak with school.
Reality Store is basically a finance educational program. Volunteers are needed to assist students as
they plan their budget. This is implemented primarily at the high school level during the school day.
Bankers, realtors, and business people of all areas are welcomed.
3rd, 4th, 5th grade: Cooking Matters: After school, students learn to read recipes, measure, cook, and nutritional value.
Classroom volunteers for various tasks to assist teachers.
Fill the bus campaign.
Testing proctors.
Reading buddies.
If you have a desire to be a consistent mentor to a student, you can contact Dara Matthews at 336-847-0949 and discuss possible opportunities with her.
AUMC member, Ronnie Hines, lost his sister, Betty Hines Lambeth, on Tuesday, September 13, 2022. Her graveside service was held on Sunday, September 18, 2022 at 2pm in Hopewell United Methodist Church Cemetery with Rev. Daniel Han officiating.
We express our deepest condolences to Ronnie for his loss
October Calendar
UMM BBQ: Saturday, Oct.1th (Take-Out Only) 11:30am – 1:00pm or 4:30pm – 6:00pm
Nominating Committee Meeting: Monday, Oct. 3rd at 6:30pm (Conference Room)
United Women in Faith Morning Meeting:
Tuesday, Oct. 11th at 10:30am (Community Room)
Stephen Ministry Meeting: Thursday, Oct. 13th (Wesley Room)
United Women in Faith Evening Meeting: Monday, Oct. 17th (Wesley Room)
Newsletter Deadline: Wednesday, Oct 26th
5th Sunday Lunch: Sunday, Oct. 30th following the Worship Service
Every Sunday:
Sunday School – 9:45am
Worship Service – 10:45am
Every Wednesday:
Choir Practice – 7pm
Every Thursday:
Neighborhood Café (drive thru)
5:30pm – 6pm